How To Make Your Online Product Listings Work Harder

In 2022, online product listings aren't simply part of the business. They're everything. 

Online shopping was responsible for 15% of all retail sales in the US, according to a 2021 study by Statista. Yep, that's a massive amount. 

The pet industry is no different. 

With developing technology and pandemics alike, online shopping isn't going anywhere anytime soon, so you need to direct considerable effort into your online product listings.  

Why Is A Great Product Listing So Important? 

It's clear how many people shop online, and great product listings are your ticket to getting a piece of the online sales pie. 

Everything, including the description, photos, reviews, and SEO, all play a crucial role in successfully selling online products. 

In the pet industry, there is no end to online product potential. From pet care and veterinary services, food and treats, toys, beds, leads, just to name a few. 

No matter what products or services you provide, your product listings need to stand out. 

Here are five tips on creating exceptional online product listings. 

5 Tips For Making Your Online Product Listings Work Harder 

Social Proof - Proof Is In The People 

One of the most powerful factors in determining if a user buys your product. 

According to OptinMonster, 88% of consumers trust reviews as much as personal recommendations. In addition to this, 70% of people will trust a recommendation of someone they don't know. 

It's stats like this that stress the importance of having great reviews/testimonials in your listings. 

Social proof needs to clearly show how great your product is and that other people have used and loved it. 

An Awesome Description 

Having a great description in terms of words is a crucial ingredient of a great listing. 

Your description should concisely describe what your product does. Try to outline why a customer could need this product. 

You don't need details, just an outline and why a customer needs it.  

Photos - A Picture Paints Everything 

You've heard the cliche. A picture paints a thousand words. 

And while that remains true, it does a lot more when it comes to converting customers. 

According to research by Pathedits, it takes 13 milliseconds to process an image, and 75% of shoppers found product photos to be 'very influential when buying a product online. 

With abundant technology at our fingertips, there is no excuse for low-quality photos. 

You don't need a crazy expensive camera. A standard iPhone can take a quality product photo. 

SEO - Rank It On Google 

If your product isn't ranking on Google, then you have to ask - What is it doing?  

Each product should be listed with keywords in mind, which is how people search for your product on Google.  

For example: 'Sparkling black dog leash.' 

Place the keyword in the product title as well as the description.  

All your products should have the main keyword as well as some secondaries. 

Sell Benefits - Not Features 

One of the biggest mistakes people make is listing features. Only, this doesn't matter because no one cares. 

Customers only care what's in it for them.

To make sure your product listings tick the check box, sell benefits, not features. 

Describe what customers will gain from using your product. 


So there we have it. 

Five points that simply NEED to be considered when listing a product online. 

All these factors are crucial in success with selling your products online. To recap: 

  • Social proof

  • Description

  • Photos

  • SEO

  • Benefits (Not features)

We hope this leads to big things for your online product sales. 

If you need help marketing your pet industry brand, please reach out, we'd love to help. 


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